My heart, your heart

My heart, your heart

When James knelt to propose to Juliet and promised to take care of her heart, he meant it not just poetically.

35 years later with two children and 3 grandchildren in tow, here are the tips that have kept James and the love of his life Juliet in the best heart health possible.


Yearly checkup

James made sure not to play with his promise. Each year on his and his wife’s birthday, he would schedule a check-up to have their blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels checked.

The couple that workout together

James was no fitfam per say, but he made sure he and Juliet jogged or marched in place at least 15 minutes daily especially while watching their favorite TV shows. Soon, Juliet got the hang of it and they increased the time to 30 minutes a day and even took the fun outdoors.

Healthy eating

This couple loved their hearts and made sure to stay away from unhealthy foods. They invested in raw veggies, fruits and snacks. Even when they cheated on the process, they found their way back on track.

Extra water

Juliet read somewhere about the benefits of water especially to the heart and discovered a way for her and James to stay hydrated always. They each took a water bottle with them wherever they went making sure to refill it after it gets empty.

Control cholesterol

When James stumbled upon and their suggestion of controlling cholesterol for heart health, he was excited. Their suggestions include: avoiding foods high in saturated fat, trans fat or cholesterol as they can lead to high blood cholesterol. They advised that to keep your cholesterol levels down, you should eat foods low in saturated fat and trans fat such as lean chicken or turkey (roasted or baked, with skin removed), fruits and veggies, low-fat or fat-free dairy products and whole grains.

Limit salt intake

It was Juliet who made this a habit for the family. She knew that to lower high blood pressure, they had to watch their salt intake. So she made sure to read labels and watch the amount of salt she used while cooking.

No smoking zone

Neither James nor Juliet smoked, but Alex did. When James talked to Juliet’s brother Alex about quitting smoking, he told him it was for the health of his heart but Alex didn’t understand. So James gave him this trick to help kick the habit:

  • On Day 1, cut the number of cigarettes you smoke by half
  • On Day 3, cut the number of cigarettes you smoke in half again
  • And on Day 5, cut your smoking in half again
  • On your Quit Day… quit!

Alex tried it and it worked. If you have trouble quitting smoking, you should try it too – it may just work.


Maintain a healthy weight

Everyone thought Juliet was obsessed with not adding excess weight when in reality, she and James knew that excess weight increases one’s risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Their daily ritual of 30 minutes of exercise and healthy eating helped them both maintain a healthy weight.

Do you love your heart as much as James and Juliet love theirs? Then today being World Heart Day, commit to treating your heart right by imbibing these tips for a healthy, strong heart.


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You are invited to the ARM Investors’ Forum

You are invited to the ARM Investors’ Forum

We invite you to a joint Investors’ Forum of the ARM Aggressive Growth Fund, ARM Discovery Fund, ARM Ethical Fund, and ARM Money Market Fund (the “Funds”) which will be held on Thursday, October 11, 2018 at The Darlington Hall, Plot CDE Industrial Crescent off Town Planning Way, Ilupeju, Lagos State. Time is 10:00 am.

The objectives of the forum are:

  1. To receive the Report on the Fund Overview, Performance Highlights for the year ended December 2017 and Business Forecast/Outlook for 2018.
  1. To receive a presentation on the new initiatives to support the Fund
  1. To receive a cross-sell presentation from ARM Financial Advisers Limited
  1. To address questions and comments from Unitholders

Signed by:

DSCL Corporate Services
Company Secretary to
ARM Investment Managers Limited (The Fund Manager)

The post You are invited to the ARM Investors’ Forum appeared first on Realising Ambitions.

5 ways to survive a lean purse after paying school fees

5 ways to survive a lean purse after paying school fees

This is the month of paying school fees and of course paying more since your child must have moved to a new class. Seeing how school fee rates spike and new activities that gulp finances keep getting introduced in school curricula, it will be no surprise to see that your account balance will feel the burden after school fees payment – especially if you didn’t start investing towards it earlier.

We feel your pain. See how you can still survive through the month until the next payday:

Cut down on household expenses

There must be some way you can reduce your spending on household items. It could be by buying in bulk, buying one kind of cereal as opposed to three – get creative with figuring out how to shrink your list.

Limit hangouts

If you usually hang out on weekends with the boys/girls where you spend money, knowing how lean your pocket is at the moment, it will be wise to take a rain check this month. The party can resume in October, but of course with you spending wisely.

Eat in/Pack your own food

When you make your own food, you spend less than you would if you were buying out. This month, as you have spent the bulk of your finances on school fees, you should consider cooking your own food and packing it to work. That way, you greatly reduce expenses.


Now is the time to clearly differentiate between what you or your children want to have and what you need to have. When you identify this, cautiously approach when and how you get them bearing in mind how much you have available.

Don’t borrow

Don’t do it! Debt has a way of catching you by the neck when you least expect it. Focus on how to judiciously manage what you have until your next salary comes.


Now, this is not an all exhaustive list of how to pull through this month, but it’s a good place to start.

Remember, you can avoid being in this situation when the next school fees payment comes in January by simply investing monthly in the ARM  Money Market Fund instrument.


The post 5 ways to survive a lean purse after paying school fees appeared first on Realising Ambitions.